Rana Adil Nawaz


Web Developer


I'm a beginner web designer currently learning the ropes of web development. through Saylani ASF Web and App Development Course. I'm passionate about creating beautiful, functional websites that make a difference in people's lives.

Skills Overview

After completing this Saylani ASF Web&APP Development Course I can learn to , structure a web page with ease with HTML, Ii can use CSS to add styles and flair, it's a real breeze. JavaScript brings interactivity, it's a powerful tool, And with MERN stack, I may build a Web App that's cool.




MERN Stack Development


Currently working on my own personal learning experience to develp website to showcase my skills and projects. I will have an experience in Completing a course project. I will design and developed a responsive website / Web App for AskWise or fictional Grocery Delivery Store using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Education to Elevate

BSc Civil Engineering
Univeristy of Engingeering and Technology, Taxila
Class of 2011 - 2014
Web and App Development Course
Saylani ASF Web Course - Mar 2023
ASF Soft Tech School

References To Go